EN I Established to explore a line of interior design where clients’ needs and dwellings’ quirkiness are utterly respected, Matmee Studio aims to bring to life projects that enhances houses’ liveability and comfort. The studio, explores two different approaches to the interior design market:

Business to Business where Matmee Studio develops and implements an interior concept for an Architecture firm. The Architecture project is at the core of the interior project development and the Architect is the conductor of all the process;

Business to Consumer where Matmee Studio develops and implements an interior concept for a final client. The house’s Architecture and the respect for the Architects legacy is, once again, at the core of the project and the works aim to adapt the liveability of the house to the client’s needs and wishes.

Matmee Studio team has a mix and match of skills, backgrounds and interests. Together, we blend the art of travelling and exploring the world with degrees in product design and interior design, we blend the love for plants and a degree in agriculture with the much needed CAD proficiency, we blend the knowledge of fabric weaving and printing with a business and entrepreneurship mind. We could lay out all the team’s education diplomas, skills and experience, but we believe in letting our projects and approach to business speak for themselves.